Houston Queerspace Newbie Primer 


  • What is Queerspace? 

  • We are Houston’s first LGBTQIA focused kink party group. We started in late 2018 and are about a year old. We focus on making this a sex positive, kink positive space for everyone in attendance, so let us know if there is ever anything we can do to improve. We are committed to diversity, inclusion, and radical exploration of sexuality. We have a strict no tolerance policy for bigotry. If you are racist, transphobic, homophobic, or prejudiced against a specific ethnicity, religion, or gender, this is not the group for you.  


  • How do I become a member? 

  • You must be queer to be a member. However, we welcome straight partners if they are in attendance with a queer partner. We do not have a specific definition for queer as we prefer to let our members define that for themselves.  


  • Party Rules 

  • Green, yellow, red safeword system. No exceptions. 

  • Consent: Do not touch things and people that do not belong to you without getting permission. Don’t be a creep. Consent can cover everything from physical contact to conversation. If someone clearly doesn’t want to engage, walk away. If they turn you down for play, don’t keep asking. As a rule of thumb, don’t ask for play more than twice when you’ve been told no. Respect pronouns, respect identity. Our members are here to party, not to give you an education on queerness.  

  • Edge Play: Fire play, needle play, humiliation, interrogation scenes, consensual nonconsent, and other forms of edge play are more than welcome here. Please let us know if you’re going to be doing something particularly intense, however, so that we can help prevent scene interference and are aware of what’s going on.  

  • Please ask before doing wax play. The house has had some bad experiences,  

  • Everyone makes mistakes, and we will work with you on minor infractions. However, repeated infractions may lead to a ban. Moderators also reserve the right to evict you from a party or the group at any time.  

  • Clean up after yourselves, clean up your play spaces, and do not interfere with others’ scenes. 

  • No alcohol. No illegal drugs.  

  • Additional Points 

  • We welcome feedback 

  • We always have room for volunteers 

  • We are trying to host as many Zoom activities as we can during quarantine to stay connected. So check our Facebook, Telegram, and Fetlife frequently for updates!


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